

Page history last edited by Christopher Harris 16 years, 3 months ago


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Remixing Library Collections




Digital Youth



A Letter From Brian Kenney, Editor-in-Chief, School Library Journal


Dear Summit Participants,


Welcome to the 2008 School Library Journal Leadership Summit. We are delighted you will join us November 14th and 15th for "Remixing Library Collections for Digital Youth." This year’s Summit will be held at the breathtaking Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa in Hollywood Florida, just south of Fort Lauderdale and right on the Atlantic Ocean.


As we all know, content is changing and expanding, often in surprising new directions. Print is growing, with new formats—like the graphic novel—rising in popularity. Audio is being used with different types of learners. Streaming video is increasingly a presence in classrooms. Interest in eBooks (and eTextbooks)—thanks in part to Amazon's Kindle—is on the rise again. Digital content—both proprietary and free—has become the reference collection. Finally, content is being shared and created by students in radically new ways.


At our 2008 Leadership Summit we will bring together publishers, authors, technology leaders, editors, librarians, other educators to explore where content is headed and how we can take advantage of this dynamic world to fully engage both students and teachers.


Like previous summits, this is a working meeting and we will be asking you to collaborate and participate before, during and after the summit. The two days will include an exciting mix of Summit-wide speakers and panels, as well as more intimate working groups to target specific content areas or formats. Also on the agenda is an open discussion among publishers, vendors, and librarians on how together will create this new world.


What will be the outcome of this summit? A vision for what the library collection in 2013 will look like—and a planning document that will help us get there. This summit will be captured and shared through video on SLJ.com and th outcomes of the summit will be included in a forthcoming issue of School Library Journal.


So mark your calendars. Summit 2008 is certain to be an opportunity you won’t want to miss.


Best Wishes,


Brian Kenney


School Library Journal





2008 Keynote Speakers 


2008 Leadership Summit Break-out Sessions


2008 Leadership Summit - Accomodations


2008 SLJ Summit Transportation and Room Sharing


Join the Summit Ning (for sharing media, forum discussions, reflection, and more)






2006 Summit

This wiki was orignially created to support the School Library Journal Summit Learning in the 21st Century: The Role of the Library Media Program held in Chicago November 3rd and 4th, 2006. Three different pages represent the three different working groups at the summit: Technology and Literacy, The Media Center in the Information-Rich World, and School Library 2point0. All of the Summit powerpoint presentations, including the speakers and from the three groups, is available here.  GUIDING QUESTIONS comparison: see this chart. Thanks to everyone for coming to Chicago and making this summit such a great success.





Registration is "free," but you do need to register. Go to the official summit web site to complete your registration.



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