2008 SLJ Summit Transportation and Room Sharing

This page is for the convenience of summit attendees to arrange for sharing of rooms or transportation


I'm in need of a roomate for the summit. I've booked a room and if you'd like to share, please let me know.

I'm getting worried- I really can't afford to cover the cost of a room myself and I've received no responses! Genevieve gallagg1@ccs.k12.va.us


I too would like to share a room (the resort sounds fantastic) -- but I think it needs to be with someone who already has one booked. If any male attendees would like to share a room, please email or call me: Nick Glass 608 347-7602 or nick@teachingbooks.net



Transportation from FLL to hotel Thursday night:

I'm arriving at FLL about 10:30pm Thursday, and would be interested in sharing a cab with anyone coming in at about the same time. Alice Yucht ayucht@gmail.com